Sep 10, 2021
Brian Leni is the Founder and Editor of Junior Stock Review. Brian is an Engineer by trade and worked in the steel industry for 10 years. Brian was immediately drawn to the junior sector for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of the incredible gains that could be made from these tiny resource stocks.
Brian has perfected his craft as a successful junior resource sector investor and has supported his family from the profits that he makes through his investments. Brian’s newsletter covers companies in the junior mining sector, along with completing interviews with some of the best industry leaders such as the great, Rick Rule.
In this podcast episode, Brian talks on what gave him the strong conviction to sell his family's home and use 2/3 of the equity to invest in the best junior mining stocks in the sector. Within a couple of years, his portfolio had increased by 300%.
Brian then provides his opinion that inflation is real and not transitory. Brian uses many examples to support his opinion. Brian also believes that the Federal Reserve bank is trapped when it comes dealing with inflation and debt. Brian believes there is currently not enough awareness about inflation and labor pressures among the general public.
Brian then talks about his ebook called “Junior Resource Sector Investing: The Risks, Rules and Strategies You Need to Know”. He then discusses how he goes about researching and picking stocks and why we should be confident in his recommendations.Brian shares where he thinks the next gold rush will take place after Newfoundland. Brian explains separates a good junior company from a great junior company.
Brian talks about his greatest mentors and advises who millennial investors should follow to better educate themselves before making any investment decisions. Lastly, Brian provides his definition of greatness and what it means to him.
Podcast Host: Ben Mumme
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