May 27, 2023
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Dr. Nomi Prins is a renowned economist, best-selling author, geopolitical financial expert and financial historian. As a Wall Street insider and outspoken advocate for economic reform, Nomi Prins is a leading authority on how the widespread impact of financial systems continues to affect our daily lives. She has spent decades analyzing and investigating economic and financial events at the ground level and meeting with those that shape the world’s geo-political-economic framework. She continues to break stories by conducting independent research, writing best-selling books, and traversing the globe to share her knowledge and demystify the world of money.
Before becoming a renowned best-selling author and public speaker, Nomi reached the upper echelons of the financial world where she worked as a managing director at Goldman Sachs, ran the international analytics group as a senior managing director at Bear Stearns in London, was a strategist at Lehman Brothers and an analyst at the Chase Manhattan Bank. During her time on Wall Street, she grew increasingly aware of and discouraged by the unethical practices that permeated the banking industry. Eventually, she decided enough was enough and became an author with the goal of shedding light on the ways that financial systems are manipulated to serve the interests of an elite few at the expense of everyone else.
Nomi’s latest book is Permanent Distortion: How Financial Markets Abandoned the Real Economy Forever. Leveraging her practical expertise and academic knowledge, she coined the concept of Permanent Distortion as a way to educate readers on the gap between the financial markets and the real economy, and what it means for everyone’s future. Over the course of 2023 and beyond, she will be speaking at conferences around the world on this topic, as well as providing actionable ways to deal with it through media appearances, articles, and newsletters.
Host: Ben Mumme
Guest: Nomi Prins